DSW-Unit 4-Web Fundamentals


Deeper introduction to Flask Web Framework, and MVC-based web applications, intro to cloud deployment


Learning Objectives

UC a-g application information


In this unit, students go deeper into a particular example of server side web framework, in this case Python Flask. Students will learn about sessions, cookies, and the Model-View-Controller design pattern, and how to apply those concepts to build a multiple page application that maintains short-term server side state for a user session.

Key Assignment

A key assignment for this unit will be to write a multi-page application that maintains short-term server side state for a user-session across multiple web pages, and do to so in a way that avoids common security vulnerabilities. Students will learn some fundamental concepts of the stateless HTTP model, and how a stateful model (sessions) can be built on a stateless model. This units requires students to demonstrate an ability to bring together theory and practice to implement a useful and secure web application.
