DSW-Unit -Front End Design
JavaScript Syntax and Semantics. JQuery, Bootstrap. UI design principles.
- JavaScript Syntax and Semantics
- TDD in JavaScript via Mocha/Chai
- JavaScript debugging via console.log, window.alert, and browser console tools
- DOM concepts
- JQuery
- Javascript JSON methods (JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify())
- JavaScript Closures
- Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IFFEs)
- Bootstrap and alternatives
- UI design principles
- Single Page vs. Multiple Page Apps
- Brief overview of Client vs. Server side JavaScript
- Brief overview of single-page app frameworks (e.g. Angular.js)
Learning Objectives
- Student will be able to write simple functions in JavaScript
- Student will be able to use console.log and window.alert to do simple debugging in JavaScript
- Student will be able to do simple TDD with functions in JavaScript
- Student will be able to identify what the letters DOM stand for (Document Object Model)
- Student will be able to explain the significance of the DOM to client side and server side web development
- Student will be able to explain the relationship between JavaScript and JQuery
- Student will be able to explain what JQuery is used for
- Student will be able to write JavaScript code that uses JQuery to perform simple animations, transitions, and effect on a basic web page
- Student will be able to write JavaScript code that manipulates JSON objects
- Student will be able to write JavaScript code (using JQuery) to peform AJAX requests
- Student will be able to explain the difference between a multi-page web app and a single-page web app design, both from user perspectives, and implementation perspective.
- Student will be able to demonstrate how to turn a simple multiple page app into a single page app using JQuery