github pages

Publishing static content online with github pages

Perhaps read these first

You may find it helpful to read the following pages before this one.

  • html

Github offers a simple way to publish websites called “github pages”.

There are some limitations of github pages, but for simple pages involving only basic HTML, or HTML/CSS/JavaScript, it is a good way to get started and get your content on the web.

Here are the basic instructions for getting a simple web page online with github pages. After this overview, there is more detail about each step.

  1. Create a (free) account.
  2. Create a repository.
    • You only need to give it a name, and click the button for “Initialize this repository with a README”.
    • For everything else, the defaults are fine (public, “Add .gitignore: None”, and “Add a license: None”).
    • Choose the name carefully, since the url for your website will be of the form
  3. Create or upload your content:
    • Create an index.html file to be the home page for the site.
    • HTML, CSS and JavaScript files are supported.
    • Server side code (e.g. PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby) is not.
  4. Publish your web page.
  5. View your webpage at

Create a free account

Visit and create an account on the free plan.

Choose your username wisely, since it will be part of your professional identity as a coder. Potential employers often look at your repos to see examples of your coding work. You may find it better to choose something like jklopez4 rather than coolskaaterkid23 or iceskreemfan.

Create a repository

To create a repository, you need to be logged in to your account at the page Go to the upper right hand corner of the page, and click the + sign, to bring down the “create” menu, as shown below. Select “New repository”.

create menu

Once you select New repository, you should see a screen like this one:

new repo

Fill in the name:

fill in name

Click the box that says “Initialize this repository with a README”:

init with README

And then click the Create repository button:

click create repo

Create or upload your content

You should now be at the main page of the repo. It will have a URL of the form

You can create an index.html file right in the browser by clicking the “Create new file” button as shown here:

Create new file button

After clicking this button, you’ll see that you can enter text for a new file. Give the file the name index.html, and type in some HTML code for a simple web page. You can find some on the topic page .

Here’s an image of what that would look like:

fill in filename and HTML code

After entering the name index.html and some HTML content, to save the file, you’ll need to scroll down to find the Commit button. Saving a file in github involves “committing” it to the repository. The commit button is the green one in this image:

commit button

Publish your web page

To publish your web page, you want to go to the Settings menu for the repo you created.

Naviate to the main page for your repo. It will have a URL of the form

On that page, you should see a link to a menu for Settings as shown here. Click on that link.


That will take you to a page with a URL of the form In the left menu, click on ‘Pages.’ This will take you to the GitHub Pages page.

On the GitHub Pages page, you will see a drop down menu in the Source subsection. Select main in this drop down menu. Then click save.

Viewing your webpage at

As long as you have:

then you should be able to see the webpage at, for example,

If you add additional files, they would be found at similar URLs:

Now we are going to add a link to your webpage to your README file. Click on Then clikc on the pencil icon in the upper right hand corner to edit the file. The first line of your README file should be “# test_webpage”. On the next line, type the link to your webpage, starting with “http://”.

Now scroll down and click “Commit changes”. You should now see the link to your webpage in your README. Click on it to make sure that it works.