Designing Software for the Web (Honors)
Unit 1: Introduction
Brief introduction to each component of web app development
- First static Web Page
- Adding CSS and JavaScript to static web page
- Deploying static HTML pages via github pages
- First Python Web App (Hello World, Simple Computations on Form data)
- Browser/server
- URL components
- localhost and ports
- HTML/CSS/JavaScript
- Git/Github basics
- Deploying a Flask app on Heroku
- Form Data in Flask Apps
- Simple computation on form data in a Flask App
- HTTP GET/POST for form data.
Learning Objectives
- The student will be able to create a simple static web page using HTML
- The student will be able to add CSS styling to a simple static web page
- The student will be able to add a simple Javascript effect to a static web page
- The student will be able to deploy static HTML pages to the web via Github Pages
- The student will be able to implement a simple 'Hello World' style web app in Python using Flask
- The student will be able to correctly identify the roles of the browser and the web server in bringing up a simple web page.
- The student will be able to correctly identify the parts of a URL, including hostname, port, path and query string.
- The student will be able to correctly identify the role of localhost and port numbers in web app development
- The student will be able to work with a github repository to do basic workflow including clone, status, add, commit, push and pull.
- The student will be able to deploy a simple Flask webapp to the cloud computing provider Heroku
- The student will be able to create simple web apps involving echoing data from forms, using GET
- The student will be able to create simple web apps involving simple computation on data from forms, using GET
- The student will be able to create simple web apps involving simple computation on data from forms, using POST
- The student will be able to correctly identify the differences between using GET and POST in webapps.
Unit 2: Python
Crash course in Python for students that have some programming background (e.g. in Scratch, Snap, Processing, Java, Swift, etc.)
- Python Read/Eval/Print loop (REPL)
- Saving and running Python files in IDE provided
- Variables
- Types: int, float, bool, str, list, dict, object
- Functions
- Print vs. Return
- Control Flow: if, for, while
- Iterating over lists
- Using iteration to find counts, sums, min and max
- Working with Dictionaries
- Nested data structures (lists/dictionaries)
- Errors: syntax, run-time, logic
Learning Objectives
- The student will be able to do basic create, edit, run operations for a simple standalone 'hello world' style Python Program
- The student will be able to distinguish between syntax, run-time and logic errors
- Students will be able to fix simple syntax errors when given code that is almost correct
- Students will demonstrate that they can use the Python REPL to evaluate simple Python expressions
- Student will demonstrate that they can load function definitions into the Python environment and use the REPL to evaluate the function at various values
- Students will demonstrate that they can use unit testing and test-driven development to develop simple functions
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of print vs return
- Students will demonstrate that they understand how to trace programs that involve if/else control structures
- Students will demonstrate that they understand how to compute functions of lists using iteration (including min, max, sums and counts)
- Students will demonstrate that they understand how to work with simple dictionaries using keys, values, and iteration
- Students will demonstrate that they understand how to work with nested data structures involving lists and dictionaries
Unit 3: Tools and Practices, Part 1
Unit testing in Python, Test-Driven Development, Exceptions, Modules
- Python unittest
- Python annotations
- Background on Python OOP and classes (minimal amount needed to understand use of unittest)
- tdd red/green/refactor cycle
- Exception handling in Python
- importing modules
- creating user-defined modules
- using pip to install modules
- Pair programming
- Llewellyn Falco's Strong-Style Pair Programming
- Mob programming
Learning Objectives
- The student will be able to create test cases for simple numeric functions
- The student will be able to create test cases for functions involving complex data types
- The student will be able to identify which parts of a Python unittest suite are annotations (e.g. @unittest.skip())
- The student will be able to differentiate between inherited methods and user-defined methods in the limited context of extending the unittest class to create test suites
- The student will demonstrate an ability to use the Python documentation to locate the inherited methods of unittest
- The student will be able to explain and demonstrate the red/green/refactor cycle
- The student will be able to write code to throw Python exceptions when appropriate (e.g. when parameter values are not reasonable)
- The student will be able to write the appropriate unittest methods to check that the correct Python exceptions are thrown
- The student will demonstrate an understanding of importing modules, both user-defined and standard modules
- The student will demonstrate an understanding of how to create, import and use their own modules
- The student will demonstrate that they can use pip to install third-party libraries and then import them in their code
- The student will demonstrate an understanding of the roles of driver and navigator in pair-programming
- The student will be able to explain possible benefits and drawbacks of pair-programming
- The student will be able to explain and demonstrate both roles Llewellyn's Falco's Strong-Style Pair Programing
- The student will be able to explain, and demonstrate various roles in mob programming
Unit 4: Web Fundamentals
Deeper introduction to Flask Web Framework, and MVC-based web applications, intro to cloud deployment
- Additional Python Web App Practice
- Model/View/Controller design pattern
- Sessions
- Cookies
- Templates
- Simple use of Bootstrap for common navigation
- Simple cloud deployment via Heroku
- CSRF vulnerability and how to protect against it
- Managing environment variables locally (for CSRF protection secret)
- Accessing environment variables in Python code
- Managing environment variables in Python
- Using .gitignore to protect secret values
- Setting environment variables in Heroku app
Learning Objectives
- Student will be able to explain the role of Model, View and Controller in an MVC web application
- Student will be able to explain the concept of a session in a web application
- Student will be able to explain how cookies relate to sessions
- Student will be able to write Python code to operate on sessions (create/read value/update value/destroy) in a Flask web application
- Student will be able to use a bootstrap template to implement consistent page design with common navigation and footers for a simple multi-page web application
- Student will be able to deploy a simple website to the Heroku free tier
- Student will be able to explain the CSRF vulnerability and how setting an application secret helps to mitigate the risk
- Student will be able to use environment variables to set up an application secret for CSRF protection
- Student will be able to explain how a .gitignore protects the value of the application secret from being exposed via github
- Student will be able to explain how to set an application secret on a Heroku deployment
Unit 5: Data, Part 1
JSON, JSON APIs (read only), Python requests module, access tokens, computing with JSON data
- Python requests module
- JSON syntax
- JSON modules in Python (json.loads() and json.dumps())
- Accessing JSON APIs
- Access tokens and rate limits
- Review of environment variables for storing access tokens
- Review of key/values in dictionaries
- Review of indexing into lists
- Computing functions over nested list/dictionary data structures
- Presenting JSON data in a web application via HTML tables and lists
Learning Objectives
- The student will be able to use the Python request module to write code to process simple HTTP GET and POST requests
- The student will be able to write simple encodings of data using JSON syntax
- The student will be able to locate and correct simple syntax errors in JSON syntax
- The student will be able to write code demonstrating the proper use of the Python json.loads() and json.dumps() methods
- The student will be able to correctly identify what the letters API stand for, and explain the concept
- The student will be able to explain the concept of a rate limited API
- The student will be able to write code that accesses read-only APIs via HTTP, using access tokens and respecting rate limits
- The student will be able to correctly write Python code that computes functions over the data returned by a JSON API, given that the data structure may contain nested lists and dictionaries.
- The student will be able to write Python code that presents the results of JSON queries in a way that is readable by a human end user, using HTML tables or lists, as appropriate.
Unit 6: Security
OAuth. Web App vulnerabilities. Sanitizing Inputs, Captchas
- Web App Vulnerabilities
- Spam prevention
- Denial of Service
- Code injection
- Sanitizing Inputs via Python itsdangerous
- CAPTCHAs using FlaskWTF
- Authentication and Authorization
- OAuth
- Role based security
Learning Objectives
- The student will be able to explain some vulnerabilities of web apps that allow users to update state but that are not secured
- The student will be able to explain what a Denial of Service attack is
- The student will be able to explain what a Code Injection attack is
- The student will be able to explain how web apps are vulnerable to spam if not secured
- The student will be able to write Python code that sanitizes user inputs when appropriate
- The student will be able to identify the circumstances where sanitizing inputs is necessary, and why
- The student will be able to write Python code to add a CAPTCHA to a web application using FlaskWTF
- The student will be able to explain the difference between authentication and authorization
- The student will be able to identify whether a given scenario involves authentication, authorization, neither or both, and explain their answer
- The student will be able to give an example of a web application where role based security is appropriate
- The student will be able to write Python code to add role based security to a simple Flask web application.
Unit 7: Data, Part 2
Updating Server Side State
- Create/Read/Update/Delete operations
- Python code for CRUD operations on NoSQL (MongoDB) databases
- Restful APIs
- Using Restful APIs that update state (e.g. Google Calendar API)
Learning Objectives
- Student will be identify the signficance of each letter in the acronym CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
- Student will be able to write Python code to implement CRUD operations for a MongoDB database
- Student will be able to explain what a Restful API is
- Student will be able to write Python code to implement CRUD operations via a Restful API (e.g. for Google Calendar events)
Unit 8: Front End Design
JavaScript Syntax and Semantics. JQuery, Bootstrap. UI design principles.
- JavaScript Syntax and Semantics
- TDD in JavaScript via Mocha/Chai
- JavaScript debugging via console.log, window.alert, and browser console tools
- DOM concepts
- JQuery
- Javascript JSON methods (JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify())
- JavaScript Closures
- Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IFFEs)
- Bootstrap and alternatives
- UI design principles
- Single Page vs. Multiple Page Apps
- Brief overview of Client vs. Server side JavaScript
- Brief overview of single-page app frameworks (e.g. Angular.js)
Learning Objectives
- Student will be able to write simple functions in JavaScript
- Student will be able to use console.log and window.alert to do simple debugging in JavaScript
- Student will be able to do simple TDD with functions in JavaScript
- Student will be able to identify what the letters DOM stand for (Document Object Model)
- Student will be able to explain the significance of the DOM to client side and server side web development
- Student will be able to explain the relationship between JavaScript and JQuery
- Student will be able to explain what JQuery is used for
- Student will be able to write JavaScript code that uses JQuery to perform simple animations, transitions, and effect on a basic web page
- Student will be able to write JavaScript code that manipulates JSON objects
- Student will be able to write JavaScript code (using JQuery) to peform AJAX requests
- Student will be able to explain the difference between a multi-page web app and a single-page web app design, both from user perspectives, and implementation perspective.
- Student will be able to demonstrate how to turn a simple multiple page app into a single page app using JQuery
Unit 9: Tools and Practices, Part 2
More advanced uses of git (branches, merge conflicts), End-to-end integration testing, Continuous integration.
- user stories
- issues in Github
- kanban
- github forks
- git branch
- git fetch
- git checkout
- git merge
- Dealing with merge conflicts
- Pull requests
- code review
Learning Objectives
- The student will demonstrate that they know how to fork a repo
- The student will demonstrate that they know how to create a new branch
- The student will demonstrate that they know how to switch between different branches
- The student will demonstrate that they know how to fetch branches from the server
- The student will demonstrate that they know how to merge code from one branch into another
- The student will demonstrate that they know how to resolve a merge conflict
- The student will demonstrate that they know how to make a pull request
- The student will explain the difference between a fork and a branch, and between a remote and branch
- The student will demonstrate that they know how to enter code review comments on a pull request
- The student will demonstrate that they know how to work with issues in Github
- The student will demonstrate that understand the idea of a Kanban board for tracking issues
Unit 10: Projects
Students work on final capstone projects
- To be chosen by students
Learning Objectives
- The student will demonstrate the ability to design and implement a useful web application, applying concepts and principles learned in the course where appropriate